DarkSide is an application screen saver that requires System 7.
DarkSide is freeware, which means that you can use it yourself or give copies away to anyone you wish, but that the rights are retained by the author, Tom Dowdy. For more information on the restrictions for DarkSide, please see the documentation.
The documentation is in MacWrite Pro format. If you do not have MacWrite Pro, or a word processor that can convert from this format, you'll have to live without the documentation. The documentation is also set up for printing, so the margins may look a bit odd to you. DarkSide is a Mac application, and as such should be easy to use without documentation. It also contains full balloon help.
Included with this version of DarkSide are some localized versions of the DarkSide application for various languages. These are provided thanks to the help of many fine people on the Internet. However, because I do not actually speak many of these languages, I cannot promise that the translations are complete or perfect. If you have any changes or corrections you would like to suggest for a particular version, please feel free to contact me and let me know.
If you would like to become a registered user and receive an official release disk and a printed copy of the documentation, you can send $15 in US Funds to: